CJC Tours

The best way to evaluate a college is to see it up close and personal. CJC tours are offered at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Monday and Friday and at 2:30 p.m. on Thursdays.

Click here to schedule a tour.

Here are some tips on making the most of your visit:

  • Do your homework.  Before visiting, find out as much as you can about our College. This website and the UF site have information about majors, degree requirements, faculty, living facilities, tuition, campus diversity, scholarships, and other valuable information. You’ll ask better questions and make the most of your visit if you know the basics before you arrive.
  • Schedule your tours and meetings in advance.  It may be tempting to show up on a campus and try to arrange meetings at the last minute.  But many programs and administrators require some advance notice to arrange time for you in their schedules.  Two weeks before you arrive, reach out to the people you want to meet and be flexible about setting up meetings.
Weimer Hall atrium
  • Know who to talk to. If you have a specific major in mind, try to meet with the department chair.

    Our chairs are:
    Huan Chen, Advertising
    Harrison Hove, Journalism (interim)
    Myiah Hutchens, Public Relations
    Roxane Coche, Media Production, Management, and Technology

    You might also reach out to student groups with whom you share an interest.  Visit the Professional Advising and Teaching Hub and speak to an adviser. Consider meeting with a professor who has office hours on the day of your visit. Schedule a stop with a financial aid officer to learn about scholarships and other sources of help.

Associate Director of Advising Judy Hunter
  • Know what to look for.  In addition to tours of Weimer Hall, explore other facilities on campus. Find out what on-campus dorms are like. Look over the library and find out about places reserved for study on campus.  Locate the Career Resource Center and ask how they support career readiness. (Our College also provides career preparation help in the Office of Careers and Corporate Partnerships located in the PATH offices.)
  • Talk to students on campus. Happy students are proud of their school and excited to share their experiences. Think about having lunch in the student union and find students to talk to. When you are scheduling a meeting with the department chair, see if she or he can help to set up a meeting with a group of students in your prospective major.