Janice Krieger, CJC Doctoral Student and Colleagues Co-Author Article on Colorectal Cancer Screening Message Strategies
Janice Krieger, director of the STEM Translational Communication Center at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, and doctoral student Naomi Parker are two of the six co-authors of “Communicating Risk to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Multi-Method Study to Test Tailored Versus Targeted Message Strategies” published in Health Education Research on March 2.
Krieger, Parker, Jordan Neil, Yulia Strekalova, Kyle Duke and Thomas George used a multi-media study to test whether tailoring colorectal cancer risk information increases screening intentions.
![Janice Krieger](https://www.jou.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Janice-Krieger-150x150.jpg)
According to the authors, “The current study demonstrated that a tailored risk message increased perceptions of message relevance and susceptibility to colorectal cancer, which increased patient intentions to screen for colorectal cancer. Findings offer a low-burden, practical approach to evaluate and improve health education materials that promote screening.”
Posted: March 7, 2022
Category: News