Hall of Fame

Each spring, the College honors alumni who have excelled in their careers. With nearly 35,000 graduates with degrees in advertising, journalism, public relations and telecommunication, only 177 individuals have been selected to receive this honor since its creation in 1970.

2023 Honorees

Raja Abdulrahim

B.S. Journalism 2004

New York Times Jerusalem correspondent
Journalist with the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times

Hall of Fame 2024

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August (Augie) E. Grant

B.S. Broadcasting 1977 M.A.M.C. 1981

J. Rion McKissick Professor of Journalism at the University of South Carolina College of Information and Communications
Technology Futurist

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Larry Meador

B.S. Public Relations 1995

Founder, Evok Advertising

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Stefanie Price Nimick

B.S. Telecommunication 1989

Senior Vice President of Portfolio Distribution and Partner Marketing for Hallmark Media
Formerly with STARZ and AMC Networks

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Rebecca Patterson

B.S. Journalism 1990

Chief Investment Strategist at Bridgewater Associates
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Economic Club of New York

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Yolanda Cash Jackson

B.S. Public Relations 1980 J.D. 1990

Lobbyist and government law attorney. Led a state lobbying effort to place a statue of Mary McLeod Bethune, a civil rights leader, in the U.S. Capitol.

Hall of Fame 2023

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John Moran

John Moran

B.S. Journalism 1978

Nature photographer and photojournalist. Co-creator of the Springs Eternal Project.

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Leigh Radford

B.S. Advertising 1986

Senior vice president at Procter & Gamble and founder of P&G Ventures

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Charlie Tuggle

B.S. Telecommunication 1978 M.A.M.C. 1992

Senior associate dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Stembler Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Media.

Hall of Fame 2023

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