Sports Specialization About

The Sports and Media specialization provides education and professional training in various professions in sports and media. This specialization is housed within the Department of Journalism, but crosses disciplinary boundaries of the College of Journalism and Communications and beyond. Considerable emphasis will be placed on writing, storytelling, production of content across media platforms, on the basic skills, values and ethics related to sports media professions, and sports media and media law.

The specialization will prepare students for careers in sports journalism and sports communication. The curriculum allows students extensive opportunities to work in the Innovation News Center producing sports content for the College’s multimedia properties. In this curriculum, journalism core and sports core courses offer students basic and focused preparation and professional electives allow students to gain knowledge and develop strengths in other areas. Such classes include:

MMC 2740 Introduction to Sports and Media

RTV 3593 Multimedia Sports Reporting

RTV 4929c Sports Production

JOU 4313c Sports Reporting

PUR 3463 Sports Communication

MMC 3703/6936 Sports Media and Society

MMC 3210 Sports Media Law and Ethics

JOU/TEL/PUR 4940 Internship (in sports and media)

JOU 4201 News Center Practicum (sports specialization)

Please note that while the journalism major is the only major with an official specialization in sports, there are opportunities to take sports-related classes as part of other majors. For example, those interested in the TV and radio side of sports will find more in-depth coursework in those areas by being a telecommunication major. The sports and media specialization in journalism was designed to give students interested in sports media multiple tools in various platforms and fields.

Certificate in Sport Management

Many of our students interested in sports and media also choose to obtain a certificate in sport management. The certificate allows the selection of upper-division courses that pertain to a specific career focus in sport management. The additional knowledge, skills, and experience gained from this certificate can potentially elevate a student’s marketability to future employers.