Carla Fisher and CJC Doctoral Student Michaela Devyn Mullis Co-Author Article on Breast Cancer Education Messages

Carla Fisher, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising associate professor and a full member of the UF Health Center, is the co-author of “Culturally Appropriate Breast Cancer and Environment Risk Messages: Targeting Racially and Ethnically Diverse Mothers” published in the Journal of Cancer Education on Dec. 9.
Fisher, along with Kevin Wright, Camella Rising, CJC doctoral student Michaela Devyn Mullis, Dasha Afanaseva, Amelia Burke-Garcia and Xiaomei Cai, studied evidence-informed educational materials targeting mothers with daughters to help them engage in lifestyle changes to reduce their environmental risk of breast cancer. They found that message designs based on race or ethnicity support the notion that the entire family should be considered when disseminating cancer risk educational information.
According to the authors, “Future scholarship can extend our study by testing the efficacy of these strategies when targeting various racial/ethnic groups of mothers as well as mothers broadly. To ensure cultural appropriateness, both the communication content and medium used must be considered, as we may not find the same effects when using other communication channels or outside of an online community of mothers.”
Posted: December 13, 2019. Subscribe to our News Digest
Category: College News, Fisher Lab
Tagged as: breast cancer, Carla Fisher, Michaela Mullis