Welcome to the hub of CJC’s global engagement! Dive into a world of international research, teaching, and cultural exchange. Discover our diverse programs, exciting events, and prestigious awards that celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students, faculty, and staff. Explore study abroad opportunities and join events that foster global citizenship and international education within our vibrant university community.

Please note that this page is not exhaustive and will continue to be updated.

Research Dashboards

International Initiatives on Campus

Councils & Committees:

CJC International Committee: The international committee advises the College on international matters, including workshops, policy proposals, and partnerships. It promotes programs and events that enhance international scholarly activities, like virtual exchanges and teaching abroad. The committee shares relevant international information with faculty and staff. Additionally, it collaborates with the Office of Communication to highlight the College’s international efforts.

UF International Council

UF International Student Council


The award acknowledges outstanding contributions by faculty and staff to the internationalization of the College and the University. Winners include:

  • 2023: Rita Men
  • 2023: Celeste Wagner
  • 2022: Roxane Coche
  • 2021: John Freeman
  • 2020: Roxane Coche
  • 2017: Tim Sorel

UF faculty can kick-start their international research program. A seed grant provides faculty an opportunity to lay the groundwork for conducting international research. Faculty can use these funds to cover expenses to travel to collect field data, to meet with international scholars, to access resources not available at UF, and to support any activity that advances research abroad.

  • 2024: Christen Buckley with the mentorship of Roxane Coche
  • 2021: Kun Xu with the mentorship of Yu-Hao Lee

These awards are made annually in recognition of the outstanding contributions of faculty and staff to the internationalization of the University of Florida.

  • 2021 Faculty Award: John Freeman Associate Professor
  • 2021 Staff Award: Caroline Martins, Academic Advisor, College of Journalism and Communications
  • 2021 Staff Award: Carrie Martins, Online and combination degree student advisor
  • 2018 Staff Award: Dania Alexandrino, Spanish-language news manager

The judges evaluated each submission based on technical merit, composition, and how well the photo conveyed a “Global Culture” message.

The awards recognize undergraduate international students who have distinguished themselves by excelling in their studies while advancing a global citizenship mindset and contributing to the international profile of the UF community.

  • 2024 – Advertisement Junior Carolina Gutierrez with the mentorship of Huan Chen, Associate Professor and Chair
  • 2023 – Advertisement Junior Qingyu Yang, with the mentorship of Huan Chen, Associate Professor and Chair

Certificates of Outstanding Merit provide colleges with an opportunity to recognize the exceptional contributions of a broader number of international students. Each college may submit the names of up to five students to receive a certificate.

International Community & Celebration

UF International Education Week

The University of Florida celebrated International Education Week from November 18-22, 2024, highlighting the benefits of international education and cultural exchange. This initiative, supported by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, aims to foster global connections and mutual understanding. The UF International Center invites the entire campus community to participate in events and activities that promote global citizenship.

CJC International Potluck Luncheon

In celebration of International Education Week, students, staff, and faculty members bring heritage dishes and share “Tiny Travel Tales”, their stories of education and immigration.

Study Abroad