Media Production, Management, and Technology Syllabi
Quick scroll to: Spring 2025 | Fall 2024 | Summer 2024 | Spring 2024
Class syllabi for the last four semesters are shown.
Spring 2025
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 14073 - Cleland (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 14074 - Hughes (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 14075 - Dunbar (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 16184 - Weitzel (PDF)
MMC 2740 - Introduction to Media and Sports - section 13738 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - section 137789 - Patterson (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 13785 - Allred (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 13809 - Martinez (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 13810 - Engle (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 13811 - Dimadis (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 16037 - Larsen (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 13813 - Leslie (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 13814 - Cunha (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 13838 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 16135 - Cretul (PDF)
MMC 4302 - World Communication Systems - section 25948 - Camaj (PDF)
MMC 4302 - World Communication Systems - section All - Braddock (PDF)
MMC 4302 - Global Journalism - section 25948 - Camaj (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - section 15127 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 15129 - Hughes (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 15144 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 15145 - Wu (PDF)
RTV 3002 - Understanding Audiences - section 17694 - DeFelice (PDF)
RTV 3002 - Understanding Audiences - section 25740 - Van Hoover (PDF)
RTV 3101 - Advanced Writing for Electronic Media - section 15146 - Vollmer (PDF)
RTV 3101 - Advanced Writing for Electronic Media - section 15148, 15147 - Leslie (PDF)
RTV 3320 - Electronic Field Production - section 15158, 15159 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3404 - Islam, Media, and Pop Culture - section 22606 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 15160 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 15174 - Selepak (PDF)
RTV 3411 - Race, Gender, Class and Media - section 15175 - Williams (PDF)
RTV 3411 - Race, Gender, Class and Media - section 15176, 27149 - Aliche (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 16746 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 17627 - Gillen (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 25187 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 3511 - Fundamentals of Production - section All - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 15181 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 15182 - Shenk (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 16971 - Larson (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 19634 - Shenk (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Electronic Media Practicum: Knight Talks Immersion - section 15206 - Abramson (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Electronic Media Practicum: WUFT-TV Media Services - section 15209, 15207 - Abramson (PDF)
RTV 3945 - INC Audio Immersion - section 27020 - Barasoain (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Live Gator Sports Broadcast Experience - section 23110 - Ridaught (PDF)
RTV 4420 - New Media Systems - section 17690 - Ostroff (PDF)
RTV 4420 - New Media Systems - section 26077 - S. Xu (PDF)
RTV 4500 - Telecommunication Programming - section 16873, 15212 - Ostroff (PDF)
RTV 4590 - Digital Games in Communication - section 17913 - Lee (PDF)
RTV 4591 - Application of Mobile Technologies - section 15213, 15214 - Brautovic (PDF)
RTV 4700 - Telecommunication Law and Regulation - section 15228 - McNealy (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Senior Advanced Workshop In Production - section 15251 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 4929C - After Effects - section 15249 - Wax (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Documentary Production - section 15250 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Dramatic Production - section 15265 - Babanikos (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Chinese Film and Media - section 19896 - Shaw (Xiao) (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Freelance Production 101 - section 27389 - Larson (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Media Management in TV and Film - section 23123 - Williams (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Media User Experience - section 20836 - Xu (PDF)
RTV 4930 - NBA in Paris - section 25217 - Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Producing and Directing Live TV Sports - section 23316 - Snyder (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Producing and Direction Live TV Sports - section 23316 - Snyder (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Reality TV Media - section 20790 - M. Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Sports Media and Enterpreneurship - section 26409, 26410 - Shah (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Survey of Sports Documentaries - section 25976 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 17741 - Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 19756 - Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 21203 - Hunt (PDF)
VIC 3001 - Sight, Sound and Motion - section 15575, 15576 - Dawson (PDF)
VIC 3001 - Sight, Sound and Motion - section 15576 - Stude (PDF)
VIC 3001 - Sight, Sound and Motion - section 17135 - M. Esterline (PDF)
Fall 2024
JOU 3002 - Understanding Audiences - section 17802 - DeFelice (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15418 - Garvey (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15419 - Cleland (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 18630, 15422 - Weitzel (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 18636 - Garvey (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 20574 - Graham (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 21267 - Wade (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - section 15484, 15485 - Dosh (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - section 29074 - Patterson (PDF)
MMC 3260 - Communications on the Internet - section 15085 - Martinez (PDF)
MMC 3260 - Communications on the Internet - section 15488 - Ritzenthaler (PDF)
MMC 3260 - Communications on the Internet - section 15510 - Martinez (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15511, 15517 - Shin (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15512 - Dimadis (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15513 - Allred (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15514 - Martinez (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15516 - Engle (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 23196 - Panzarella (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - Cunha (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 26619 - D. Leslie (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 15542 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 15543 - Cretul (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 29075 - S. Xu (PDF)
MMC 4302 - World Communication Systems - Braddock (PDF)
RTV 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - Dunbar (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - Selepak (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - section 16677 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - section 29848 - Lovler (PDF)
RTV 2517 - Concepts of Visual Storytelling - section 30030 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16681 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16682 - Hughes (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16697 - Wu (PDF)
RTV 3101 - Advanced Writing for Electronic Media - section 16699 - Vollmer (PDF)
RTV 3101 - Advanced Writing for Electronic Media - section 16700, 16698 - D. Leslie (PDF)
RTV 3320 - Electronic Field Production - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3320 - Electronic Field Production - section 16704, 16705 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 16707 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 23142 - andrew-selepak (PDF)
RTV 3411 - Race, Gender, Class and Media - Leslie (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 18934 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 24683 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 3511 - Fundamentals of Production - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 16729 - Larson (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 17782 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 17783 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 24603 - Shenk (PDF)
RTV 3545 - WUFT Classic - section 16735 - Hill (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Film Festival - section 30324 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3945 - GHQ Radio - section 16736 - Faircloth (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Knight Talks - section 16737 - Abramson (PDF)
RTV 3945 - WUFT Media Production - section 16753 - Abramson (PDF)
RTV 4420 - New Media Systems - section 21974 - Ostroff (PDF)
RTV 4500 - Telecommunication Programming - Ostroff (PDF)
RTV 4591 - Application of Mobile Technologies - section 16781, 16782 - Brautovic (PDF)
RTV 4700 - Telecommunication Law and Regulation - section 16796 - McNealy (PDF)
RTV 4929C - After Effects - section 16827 - Sorel (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Documentary Production - section 17784 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Dramatic Production - section 17775 - Babanikos (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Narrative Collaborative Filmmaking - section 22449 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Agency Brand Content Creation - section 30164 - Fowler (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Client Brand Production Campaigns - section 30163 - Fowler (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Covering the Paralympics - section 28570 - Coche (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Freelance Production 101 - section 30172 - Larson (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Global Cinema - section 26665 - Shar (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Interactive and Immersive Media - section 29003 - yu-hao-lee (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Intro to Live Sports Production - section 26798 - Snyder (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Media Management in TV and Film - section 30526 - Williams (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Reality TV Media - Maria Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Reptile Report - section 27819 - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Social Media Content Creation - section 29789 - Davis (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Sports Media and Entrepreneurship - section 29729 - Shah (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Strategies in Digital Engagement - Hodges (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Technology User Experience - section 24129 - Xu (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 18490 - Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 26922 - Esterline (PDF)
Summer 2024
MMC 2100 - Writing for Mass Communication - section 12523 - Cleland (PDF)
MMC 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries and Professions - section 12548 - Cimand (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - Dosh (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 11805 - Hughes (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 11826, 11827 - Cunha (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 11828, 11829 - Larsen (PDF)
MMC 4930 - Exploring Greece - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 12547 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3320 - Electronic Field Production - section 20231 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 12571 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 20076 - Sorel (PDF)
RTV 3945 - GHQ Radio - section 12576 - Faircloth (PDF)
RTV 4500 - Telecommunication Programming - Ostroff (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Photography Composition and Editing - section 20074 - Sorel (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Reality TV Media - section 20466, 20465 - M. Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 18258, 18259 - Esterline (PDF)
Spring 2024
JOU 3002 - Understanding Audiences - section 20984 - Son (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - Thompson (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - Garvey (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15406 - Bolen (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15407 - Cleland (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15408 - Hughes (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 15409 - Dunbar (PDF)
MMC 1009 - Introduction to Media and Communications - section 18168 - Weitzel (PDF)
MMC 2740 - Introduction to Media and Sports - section 15034 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - section 15080, 15081 - Dosh (PDF)
MMC 3210 - Sports Media Law and Ethics - section 29958 - Patterson (PDF)
MMC 3260 - Communications on the Internet - section 15084 - Ritzenthaler (PDF)
MMC 3260 - Communications on the Internet - section 15085 - Martinez (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15086 - Allred (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15112 - Engle (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15114 - Dimadis (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 15115 - Hughes (PDF)
MMC 3420 - Consumer and Audience Analytics - section 18318 - Panzarella (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 15116 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 3614 - Media and Politics - section 22570, 15118 - Cunha (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - Cretul (PDF)
MMC 3630 - Social Media and Society - section 15144 - Selepak (PDF)
MMC 4302 - World Communication Systems - Braddock (PDF)
MMC 4929C - Dramatic Production - section 16892 - Babanikos (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - section 16705 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 2100 - Writing for Electronic Media - section 16707, 16703, 16704 - Selepak (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16708 - Hughes (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16728 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3001 - Introduction to Media Industries - section 16730 - DeFelice (PDF)
RTV 3101 - Advanced Writing for Electronic Media - section 16732 - Vollmer (PDF)
RTV 3320 - Electronic Field Production - section 16751, 26752 - Larson (PDF)
RTV 3404 - Islam, Media, and Pop Culture - section 29962 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - Wu (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 16753 - Cleland (PDF)
RTV 3405 - Media and Society - section 21533 - Makata (PDF)
RTV 3432 - Ethics and Problems - Davis (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 3502C - Fundamentals of Sports Production - section 20840 - Gillen (PDF)
RTV 3511 - Fundamentals of Production - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - Heath (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 16776 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 16777 - Shenk (PDF)
RTV 3516 - Electronic Field Production II - section 24988 - Shenk (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Television News Production I - Introduction to Television News Production - Pemberton (PDF)
RTV 3945 - Television News Production II - On-Air Participation - Pemberton (PDF)
RTV 3945 - WRUF-TV Weather - section 16798, 16799 - Borowski (PDF)
RTV 4220 - New Media Systems - section 20980 - Matar (PDF)
RTV 4500 - Telecommunication Programming - section 19445, 16823 - Grogan (PDF)
RTV 4506 - Telecommunication Research - section 29956 - Shin (PDF)
RTV 4590 - Digital Games in Communication - section 21510 - Lee (PDF)
RTV 4591 - Application of Mobile Technologies - Brautovic (PDF)
RTV 4700 - Telecommunication Law and Regulation - McNealy (PDF)
RTV 4800 - Media Management and Strategy Capstone - section 21512 - Coffey (PDF)
RTV 4929C - After Effects - section 16871 - Sorel (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Documentary Production - section 16872 - Wells (PDF)
RTV 4929C - Narrative Collaborative Filmmaking - section 16873 - Zawahry (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Live Sports Production - Thompson (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Media Management in TV and Film - section 30563 - Williams (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Media User Experience - section 27141 - Xu (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Reality TV Media - section 27046, 27404 - M. Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4930 - Visual Storytelling - Wells (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 21081 - Esterline (PDF)
RTV 4959C - Sports Capstone - section 25214 - Esterline (PDF)