About Science Journalist in Residence
Launched in 2014, UF’s Science Journalist in Residence (SJR) Program brings leading science writers to the UF campus each academic year. (The program has continued during the pandemic, with science journalists appearing at UF virtually). Journalists typically give a public talk and spend two to three days speaking in classes and interacting with faculty and students interested in their work. Funded by the Office of the Provost, the program is housed and directed by the College of Journalism and Communications but open to participation by students and faculty in all colleges.
SJR Committee
Benjamin Johnson, Director, STEM Translational Communication Center/Associate Professor, Department of Advertising (SJR Committee Chair)
Jennifer Tucker, Administrative Specialist, STEM Translational Communication Center (SJR Coordinator)
Cynthia Barnett, Environmental Journalist in Residence, College of Journalism and Communications
Jay Hmielowski, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations, College of Journalism and Communications
Aaron Hoover, Director of Executive Communications, Office of the President
Joseph Kays, Director of Communications, UF Research
Chris Moran, Special Assistant to the Vice President, IFAS
Anna-Lisa Paul, research professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, IFAS
Czerne Reid, Instructional Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry/UF Health and Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, College of Journalism and Communications
Melanie Fridl Ross, Chief Communications Officer, UFHealth
Serra Sowers, President, UF’s Science CommuniGators student organization
Marianne Vernetson, Associate Director/Lecturer, Bob Graham Center for Public Service
Dorothy Zimmerman, Communications Director, Bob Graham Center for Public Service