Previous Science Journalist in Residence Talks

Fall 2024: Christian Davenport, Washington Post staff writer who covers space on the business desk, talked about his experiences covering that beat. More information.

Spring 2024: Helena Bottemiller Evich, Food Fix Editor-in-Chief, discussed reporting on food policy amid a journalism implosion. View the talk.

Fall 2023: Drew Harwell, Technology Reporter for The Washington Post, discussed industry trends, his experiences reporting on the development and rollout of AI, and what it’s like interviewing the players—and the bots. View the talk.

Spring 2023: Dr. Ainissa Rameriz, a masterful science communicator and science storyteller, discussed her award-winning book “The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another.”

Fall 2021: Sam Kean, best-selling author of six books, discussed his latest book, The Icepick Surgeon: Murder, Fraud, Sabotage, Piracy, and Other Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science.

Spring 2021: Carl Zimmer, science columnist with The New York Times, who shared insights on the progression of the COVID-19 virus and the impact of the pandemic. View the talk.

Spring 2020: Jenny Staletovich, environment reporter at WLRN in Miami and a Florida journalist for 20 years, including covering the environment, climate change and hurricanes for The Miami Herald for five years. View the talk.

Fall 2019: Francie Diep, staff writer at The Chronicle for Higher Education who focuses on accountability reporting in science and health and the intersections in science, culture and policy. View the talk.

Spring 2019: Davey Alba, senior technology reporter at Buzzfeed, focusing on artificial intelligence, facial recognition and AI technology in the government, as well as broader stories in technology.

Fall 2018: Marshall Shepherd, distinguished professor of geography and atmospheric sciences at the University of Georgia and host of the Weather Channel’s award-winning Sunday program “Weather Geeks.”

Spring 2018: Denise Chow, assistant managing editor of Live Science and the Science and Technology editor for NBC News MACH and a contributing writer to Scientific American. View the talk.

Fall 2017: David Biello, the science curator for TED and author of The Unnatural World. View the talk.

Spring 2017: Alexandra Horowitz, author of New York Times best-selling book Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know and the follow-up, Being a Dog: Following the Dog into a World of Smell. View the talk.

Fall 2016: Laura Reiley, then St. Petersburg Times food business editor, now with The Washington Post, and previously a food critic at the San Francisco Chronicle and Baltimore Sun. View the talk.

Spring 2016: Julie Leibach, managing editor of online content for Science Friday, a website and weekly radio show hosted by Ira Flatow. View the talk.

Fall 2015: Maryn McKenna, award-winning journalist, author of Superbug and Beating Back the Devil, and writer for Wired, Scientific American, Slate, Nature, the Atlantic, the Guardian and other publications. View the talk.

Spring 2015: David Epstein, author of The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance, and writer for publications including Sports Illustrated, Discover, Scientific American, Slate, The Washington Post, National Geographic.

Fall 2014: Jennie Erin Smith, reporter, writer and reviewer specializing in science and natural history and author of Stolen World: A Tale of Reptiles, Smugglers and Skullduggery: Environmental Reporting in the UnderworldView the talk.