Research and Resources

With funding from the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, STEM TCC members are working to conduct research leading the creation of an evidence-based guide for recycling communication in the state of Florida.  

Specifically, we are conducting interviews with recycling coordinators to identify current communications practices and potential areas of improvement to increase recycling in their counties. We will compare this information with focus groups conducted with residents during the first phase to develop an online communication training module for recycling coordinators. Thinteractive educational materials will be made available to recycling coordinators at no cost to help engage their community in recycling.   

In addition, we are creating recycling messages tailored to young adults and rural residents. Subsequently, we will test these messages through a statewide survey. This survey will provide additional insights to the specific characteristics of high and low recyclers.   

Throughout each stage of the project, we receive guidance from our advisory board which consists of key experts in the field of waste management, recycling and environmental education. With this research, we can support recycling stakeholders to reach the state’s goal of recycling 75% of materials by 2020. 

Advisory Board Formation

The advisory board consists of key leaders in the field of recycling, waste management and environmental education. Research team members will collaborate with the board during each phase of the project.

Phase II 

CaRe Technical Advisory Group Meeting

CaRe Final Technical Advisory Group Meeting

Phase I

CaRe Technical Awareness Group Meeting 3

CaRe Technical Awareness Group Meeting 2 

CaRe Technical Advisory Group Meeting 1


Identifying Characteristics of High and Low Recyclers

Through the conduction of focus groups, team members will identify core issues in knowledge about recycling among Florida residents to inform the development of communication strategies.

Development and Pilot-Testing of Recycling Messages

We will develop different sets of visual stimuli guided by our previous research on recycling behavior and message tailoring. Various presentation formats will be assessed to determine what messages are most effective and appealing to consumers.

Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: Reports

Click the links below to see the current status of our CaRe project. We are currently hosting state-wide focus groups to determine the most effective messaging strategies to promote recycling!
1st Quarter Report
2nd Quarter Report
3rd Quarterly Report