Yu-Hao Lee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Department of Telecommunication
Yu-Hao Lee‘s research focuses on communication technology and media psychology. His research examines how users process information in interactive media and the individual/social effects of interactive media such as digital games, social media, and online activism websites.
His research interest stems in part from his professional experience as a journalist covering political, education, and environmental news. Where he is constantly seeking new ways to communicate complex stories. He is passionate about the potential of using digital games to motivate behavioral change. He has been involved in several design-based research projects exploring persuasive communication in various contexts. Including a serious game to teach intelligence analysts about cognitive biases, a game to improve high-school students’ information literacy skills, and a platform for adaptive news headline testing.
His work has been published in journals such as Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Psychological Science, Computers in Human Behavior, and ACM CHI. His research has been awarded division top paper by International Communication Association (ICA) and Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). He has also received grant support for his research from NSF, AEJMC, and Online News Association. He is a member of the Media Effects and Technology Lab.
Ph.D., Media & Information Studies, Michigan State University, 2013
M.A., Journalism, National Taiwan University, 2005
B.A., Economics, National Taiwan University, 2003
Lee, Y.-H., & Heeter, C. (forthcoming). The effects of cognitive capacity and gaming expertise on attention and comprehension. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Dunbar, N., Jensen, M., Miller, C., Bessarabova, E., Lee, Y.-H., Wilson, S., Elizondo, J., Adame, B., Straub, S., Valacich, J., Burgoon, J., Lane, B., Piercy, C., Wilson, D., King, S., Vincent., C., & Schuetzler, R. (accepted). Mitigation of cognitive bias with a serious game: Two experiments testing feedback timing and source. International Journal of Game-Based Learning.
Lee, Y.-H., Dunbar, N., Miller, C., Lane, B., Jensen, M., Bessarabova, E., Burgoon, J., Adame, B., Valacich, J., Arterburn, E., Bostwick, E., Piercy, C., King, S., Elizondo, J., & Wilson, S. (2016). Teaching anchoring and representativeness bias mitigation through a digital game. Simulation & Gaming, 47(6), 751-779.
Lee, Y.-H., Dunbar, N., Kornelson, K., Wilson, S., Ralston, R., Savic, M., Stewart, S., Lennox, E., Thompson, W., & Elizondo, J. (2016). Digital game for undergraduate calculus education: Promoting immersion, calculation, and conceptual understanding through game affordances. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 8(1), 13-27. doi: 10.4018/IJGCMS.2016010102
Bessarabova, E., Piercy, C., King, S., Vincent, C., Dunbar, N. E., Burgoon, J. K., Miller, C. H., Jensen, M., Elkins, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, S., & Lee, Y.-H. (2016). Mitigating bias blind spot via a serious video game. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 452-466.
Jensen, M., Lee, Y.-H., Piercy, C., Dunbar, N. E., Elizondo, J., Bessarabova, E., Twyman, N. W., Burgoon, J. K., Valacich, J. S., Adame, B., Miller, C., & Wilson, S. (2016). Exploring failure and engagement in a complex digital training game: A Multi-Method Examination. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(1), 1-20.
Lee, Y. H. (2015). Does Digital Game Interactivity Always Promote Self-Efficacy?. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(11): 669-673. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0165.
Wohn, D. Y., Lee, Y.-H., & Ozkaya, E. Y. (2015). Social Contributors and Consequences of Habitual and Compulsive Game Play.International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 11(3), 17-34. doi:10.4018/ijthi.2015070102
Dunbar, N., Miller, C., Adame, B., Elizondo, J., Wilson, S., Lane, B., Kauffman, A., Bessarabova, E., Jensen, M., Straub, S., Lee, Y-H., Burgoon, J., Valacich, J., Jenkins, J., & Zhang, J. (2014). Implicit and explicit training in the mitigation of cognitive bias through the use of a serious game. Computers in Human Behaviors, 37, 307-318
Lee, Y. -H., Heeter, C., Magerko, B., & Medler, B. (2013). Feeling right about how you play: the effects of regulatory fit in games for learning. Games & Culture. 8(4), 238-258. doi: 10.1177/1555412013498818
Lee, Y. -H. (2013). Are good games also good problems?: Content analysis of problem types and learning principles in environmental education games, International Journal of Game Based Learning, 3(4), 47-61. doi: 10.4018/ijgbl.2013100104
Wohn, D.Y., & Lee, Y. -H. (2013). Players of Facebook games and how they play, Entertainment Computing, 4(3), 171-178.doi: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2013.05.002
Research Keywords
Media psychology, Persuasion, Computer mediated communication, Social media, Games for learning/Games for change, Diffusion and adoption of technology, Online collaboration
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