
The frank 2020 gathering has an exciting volunteer opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students. Please include the following in the Knight Division Digest, if space permits. We’re looking for students with diverse interests, majors and passions to join the frank ambassador team. Ambassadors at frank have the opportunity to join…

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Posted: January 8, 2020

Dr. Jeremy Yip, assistant professor of management at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, won the 2019 Prize for Research in Public Interest Communications for his paper, “Losing Your Temper and Your Perspective: Anger Reduces Perspective-Taking.” The video above is from Yip’s talk at frank 2019 in Gainesville, Florida. The…

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Posted: May 3, 2019

“As a communicator, my dream is to positively affect the narrative surrounding immigrants,” said University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Public Relations senior Eugenia Blaubach. Born in Venezuela, she came to the U.S. with her parents when she was seven years old. After high school, she wanted to…

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Posted: January 17, 2018

Annie Neimand, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications communication manager and frank research director, authored “Can #MeToo Have Lasting influence?” published in Stanford Social Innovation Review on Dec. 13. The article focuses on how advocates and organizers need to think strategically to ensure women are supported as they…

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Posted: December 14, 2017

By Ann Christiano and Annie Neimand In an article published earlier this year, we asked nonprofits to stop raising awareness, and instead focus on super-strategic communications efforts that will result in lasting change. But starting this process presents some challenges. What’s the first step? And how can you help others…

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Posted: September 22, 2017

Research & Insights

Is Awareness Ever Enough?

In the latest edition of The Stanford Social Innovation Review, Ann Christiano, the Frank Karel Chair in Public Interest Communications, and Annie Neimand, communications manager for the College of Journalism and Communications and research director for frank, argue that changemakers must put an end to raising awareness. Instead, those seeking to move the…

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Posted: April 24, 2017

Lauren Griffin, research manager for the Journal of Public Interest Communications housed in the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, co-authored “Who Are You Calling Anti-Science?” with Troy H. Campbell, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Oregon. The article was published in Scientific American on April…

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Posted: April 7, 2017

Annie Neimand, frank research director at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, authored “To Win Against False Information, We Must Play Offense” published in Stanford Social Innovation Review Online on April 5. Neimand comments on the “post-truth world” and cites research suggesting that rather than defending your…

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Posted: April 7, 2017

By Lauren Griffin and Annie Neimand To some liberals, Donald Trump’s inauguration portends doom for the republic; to many conservatives, it’s a crowning moment for the nation that will usher in an era of growth and optimism. It’s as if each side is living in a different country – and a different reality.…

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Posted: January 26, 2017

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications will award one $10,000 prize and two $1,500 prizes to published academic research that informs the growing discipline of public interest communications. Three finalists will present their work at frank, an annual conference for people who work in public interest communications,…

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Posted: January 26, 2017

Annie Neimand, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications communication manager and frank research director and digital strategist, and Lauren Griffin, frank director of external research, collaborated on “Why Each Side of the Partisan Divide Thinks the Other is Living in an Alternate Reality.” The article, focusing on information avoidance…

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Posted: January 26, 2017

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications today awarded its $10,000 grand prize in public interest communication to Dr. Troy Campbell, assistant professor of marketing, Lindquist College of Business, University of Oregon and Aaron Kay, professor at The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.  The research prize, which…

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Posted: March 10, 2016