Orlando Sentinel

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) alumnus Silas Morgan, B.S. Journalism 2024, was selected for the 2024 class of the POLITICO Journalism Institute (PJI), an intensive training program designed to advance newsroom diversity. The competitive program, from May 28 – June 7, is hosted by POLITICO, a…

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Posted: May 8, 2024

Ted Bridis, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Michael and Linda Connelly Senior Lecturer in Investigative Reporting, is quoted in “Data Glitch Leads to Error and a Reminder for Journalists” published on poynter.com on May 2. The article features what happened after an inaccurate restaurant inspection was…

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Posted: May 7, 2024

Justin Bright, B.S. Journalism 2020, M.A.M.C. 2021, is profiled in “Florida Man Skateboards Length of State, 1,100 Miles, for Conservation” published in the Orlando Sentinel on Jan. 28. Bright is skating more than 1,100 miles from Pensacola to Key West to raise awareness for conservation and land preservation in Florida.…

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Posted: January 31, 2022

Austin Vining, a University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications doctoral student, is the author of “I’m Not Throwing Away My Shot (At Protecting Anonymous Speech)” published in the Orlando Sentinel on Aug. 27. In the commentary, Vining discusses First Amendment protection for anonymous speech. He cites challenges to…

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Posted: August 30, 2018

Clay Calvert, director of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project, was quoted in “Experts Question TV Station’s Role in Orlando Police Hostage Negotiation” published in the Orlando Sentinel on June 15. The article focuses on a hostage situation where a man…

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Posted: June 18, 2018

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) alumnus Tom Burton, B.S. Journalism 1982, has been named the 2018-19 Knight Fellow in Visual Communication and Management at the Ohio University’s (OU) School of Visual Communication. Burton is currently the editor of the National Press Photographers Association’s (NPPA) magazine and…

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Posted: June 12, 2018

Austin Vining, a University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications doctoral student, is the author of “Kids These Days: Are They Really Worse?” published in the Orlando Sentinel on April 4. In the commentary, Vining discusses whether today’s kids have worse behavior and morals than kids did decades ago.…

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Posted: April 10, 2018

  Gary Green, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Innovation News Center deputy news editor and digital director, authored  “The new Norm: A case study of the Orlando Sentinel’s adaptation of new media technologies during high-profile trial coverage.” The article was published in Journalism Practice, Volume 11 –…

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Posted: August 2, 2017

Denver – Sept. 17, 2016: Two news organizations received the third annual University of Florida Award in Investigative Data Journalism at the Online News Association Online Journalism Awards on Sept. 18. One award recognized an investigation of secret documents detailing a covert U.S. military overseas assassination program and the second…

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Posted: September 19, 2016

Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communication Clay Calvert  is quoted in the March 2, 2014 story in the Orlando Sentinel, “Teacher’s buyback mission is to wean kids off violent games, films,” regarding a teacher who buys back violent video games from her students.

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Posted: March 4, 2014

The Orlando Sentinel quotes a Brechner Center for Freedom of Information survey regarding Florida counties’ policies regarding text messages and social-media use by public officials in the Jan. 28, 2013 column, “Public text messages should be no-brainer.“

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Posted: February 4, 2013

The Orlando Sentinel quotes Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communication Clay Calvert regarding Florida’s new law on video voyeurism in the Sept. 19, 2012 article, “Video voyeurs face tougher penalties with new Florida law.“

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Posted: September 20, 2012