Research Fridays: Rise of Non-Human Agents in (Strategic) Communication
Wednesday April 19, 2023
Research Fridays features faculty and graduate students from CJC presenting current research to their colleagues. On April 7, 2023, Advertising Assistant Professor Won-Ki Moon presented “Rise of Non-Human Agents in (Strategic) Communication.”

Research Fridays: How Advertising Professionals’ Identities Shape Their Experiences
Thursday March 23, 2023
On March 10, 2023, Advertising Associate Professor Kasey Windels and doctoral student Sophia Mueller discussed their research on “How Professionals’ Identities Shape Their Experiences in The Advertising Industry: Examining Gender And Sexual Orientation.”

Research Fridays: An Exploration of Identity and Culture Within Media Platforms
Wednesday March 8, 2023
On Feb. 24, 2023, Journalism Assistant Professor Rachel Grant discussed the exploration of identity and culture within media platforms, and her work as research director for the Narrative Justice Project.