STEM Translational Communication Center

Deaven Hough, M.A.M.C. 2017, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Center for Translational Science Institute (CTSI) recruitment specialist and STEM Translational Communication Center Postdoctoral Associate Elizabeth Flood-Grady, are the authors of “Getting Started with Social Media to Recruit Research Participants” published in Clinical Researcher on April 14. Hough…

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Posted: April 20, 2020

Janice Krieger, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center director, is the recipient of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) 2020 Technology Award. The award recognizes individuals or groups who have distinguished themselves by applying innovative, non-commercial technology in health education that can be…

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Posted: March 6, 2020

Carma Bylund, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Public Relations associate professor, was featured in “LLS-Funded Study Aims to Support Caregivers,” a Nov. 2019 blog post on the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) website. Bylund and Carla Fisher, UFCJC Advertising associate professor, received a three-year, $323,000 grant…

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Posted: November 19, 2019

Carma Bylund, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) associate professor of Public Relations and in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the UF College of Medicine , is the co-author of “Review of the Patient-Centered Communication Landscape in Multiple Myeloma and Other Hematologic Malignancies” published in…

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Posted: May 2, 2019

Janice Krieger, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center (STCC) director, and Samantha Paige, STCC postdoctoral research fellow, are the authors of “Recruitment in Online Research for COPD: Leveraging Social Media and Research Registries” published in ERJ Open Research 2019. In article, Paige, who is…

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Posted: April 9, 2019

Pedro Ylisastigui has joined the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center (STCC) as research coordinator. He will work on various projects including the $3.04 million, five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that is testing the efficacy of using virtual technology to…

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Posted: March 29, 2019

Janice Krieger, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center director, is a co-author on “Panel-Based Exhibit Using Participatory Design Elements May Motivate Behavior Change” published on Feb. 2 in the Journal of Science Communication. The research paper by Krieger, Lisa Lundgren, Kathryn Stofer, Betty Dunckel,…

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Posted: February 12, 2019

Elizabeth Flood-Grady, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center Postdoctoral Research Associate, conducted a webinar on best practices in using social media to recruit participants for clinical research studies. The webinar included three parts: engaging key university stakeholders to develop institutional guidelines for teams interested…

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Posted: August 10, 2018

Family stories about mental illness transmitted from one generation to another can both reinforce stereotypes and yet still teach children important lessons and expectations about the management of such illnesses, according to a new pilot study. This area of study may help explain the role family communication plays in young…

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Posted: June 26, 2018

In the ever-advancing world of medicine, access to a cutting-edge clinical trial treatment can help determine a cancer patient’s future. Although 20 percent of cancer patients are eligible for treatment clinical trials, participation hovers around three to five percent. Moreover, patients from racial and ethnic minority groups and underserved populations…

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Posted: March 28, 2018

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Health Communication doctoral student Rachel Damiani received top honors at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2018 Student Poster Competition in the Science and Society category for “Relating to Researchers: How Citizen Scientists Invest in Learning the Language of Science”. Damiani received the award at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas in February.

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Posted: March 9, 2018

University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications STEM Translational Communication Center Director Janice Krieger has received a UF Health Cancer Center (UFHCC) $70,000 Pilot Project Award to study the perceptions of breast cancer survivors towards physical activity during and after treatment and the role of online social networks. She will serve as co-principal investigator along with François Modave, UF College of Medicine mHealth Lab director.

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Posted: March 5, 2018