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UFCJC Public Relations Department Named to PRNEWS’ 2024 Education A-List

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Public Relations Department has been selected for the PRNEWS’ 2024 Education A-List. This is the fourth year in a row that UFCJC has been named to this prestigious list, which was launched in 2021.

The list recognizes the top 20 educational institutions that are advancing the careers of public relations and communication professionals in the U.S.  The selected institutions feature programs that prepare students for continued success in their existing jobs and along their future career paths.

The PR program offers three majors: Public Relations, which is designed to prepare students for jobs as technicians, such as producing social media strategies and tactics or effective multimedia news releases, as well as for career advancement as managers; Public Relations/Corporate, which is designed to prepare students for jobs in corporate public relations settings. They will be ready to work as technicians and prepare for career advancement as managers; and Public Relations/Public Interest Communications, which prepares students for jobs in public interest communications using strategic communications for social good.

PRNEWS is the communications industry’s leading source of education, inspiration and recognition.

Posted: May 29, 2024
Category: College News
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